Private Instruction

As part of the journey for those choosing to evolve spiritually, is the desire to learn ways of tapping into the wisdom of our Higher Guidance. Some prefer to look for professional people to assist them on this journey while others prefer to develop skills that they can learn to do themselves. Both methods are often used over time to achieve the best results.

If you are interested in learning how to know and better trust your own instincts, as well as have access to your Higher Guidance, one of the most effective methods (I’ve found to-date) is to take the time to learn the Tarot. By making a commitment to this process, you will be taken on a most profound journey into yourself. You will be able to consult with your Higher Guidance on just about any subject as well as become more intuitive and psychically attuned. You will be able to tell the difference between ‘truth’ and ‘disinformation’ and receive insight and guidance whenever you choose to.

Another topic you can begin to learn about that will provide incredible insight, not only into your own life, but also into understanding what is going on in the world as well, is Astrology. You will have your own chart calculated that you can then use to study over time at your own pace. You will get to know and understand the many layers that make up your personality and the reason for the type of life experiences you have attracted in order to learn and grow as a person.

Other subjects you may wish to learn about include Kinesiology – or muscle response testing. This is something that is best learned with a partner as it is most effective done on another person. Once you have learned the basics of muscle testing, however, there is no limit as to what you can work with. It is truly a very holistic and spiritual modality where the sky is the limit of what you can do with it. Many practitioners use kinesiology to help others to become more healthy on all levels of their beings.

If you prefer to learn to work with yourself rather than a partner, you can apply all the same types of healing techniques used with Kinesiology, only to working with a pendulum instead. This is an absolutely superb method for learning how to communicate with your Higher Guidance. It may take time and practice to reach a level of accuracy and reliability, but is well worth the effort in the long run.

The above topics are taught in 2 ½ hour periods that can be arranged on a morning, afternoon or weekend. You can schedule these sessions weekly, monthly or even sporadically, whenever you have available time for a teaching session.

Should the above private instruction be something you’re interested in, it will be possible to take out on loan (or in some cases purchase at a reduced cost) many books on the subject of your choice which have been part of my own learning process over the years.

There will also be opportunities to join study groups with others who share your same interests.